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( Post Time : 2022-5-24    Hits : 305      Editor : Jenny      Source : 湖南醴陵復民瓷業(yè)機械制造有限公司 )

   On May 19, the city's advanced ceramics and new functional glass industry chain work promotion meeting was held. Wang Libo, secretary of the municipal party committee and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone, and Liu Xinhua, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, participated.

  The relevant persons in charge of the ceramic industry chain and the glass industry chain respectively interpreted the assessment tasks in 2022. Representatives of Yangdong Magnetoelectric, Taixin Porcelain, Kibing Glass, Fumin Porcelain Machinery and other enterprises spoke about the difficulties in development, and everyone spoke freely. Ask questions and make suggestions.

Wang Libo pointed out that Comrade Jiang Shuming is responsible for the arrangement and scheduling of the daily work related to the advanced ceramic industry chain in Liling, and all departments and units must cooperate to ensure that all work is carried out in an orderly manner. The unit must strictly shoulder the responsibilities, take the tasks back, and implement them without compromise. The results of the task completion should be reported at the end of the year, which will be assessed and evaluated by the chain office; the opinions and suggestions fed back by the representatives of the enterprises should be sorted out and summarized, and solved item by item. In the daily work, the chain office should actively collect the problems that the enterprise feedbacks. According to the priority, solve the problems that can be solved immediately, and find a way to solve the problems that cannot be solved, so as to ensure that the problems reported by the enterprise are settled and answered. Wang Libo also emphasized that Liling is now ushered in an excellent opportunity for industrial development. Leaders at all levels in the province and Zhuzhou City attach great importance to building an industrial chain of advanced ceramics and new functional glass. Era of 100 Billion" to help Liling's economy and society develop better and faster.

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